Now a Word From Our Sponsor
by Wendy at 11/30/2004 08:55:00 AMGas for car trip to Baltimore to pick them up: $7.45
Heat lamp for brooder: $11.65
Lumber, paint and hardware to build coop: $400
Feeder and waterers: $16.66
Wood shavings for bedding: $8.50
3 #50 bags of organic chicken feed: $48
Grit and oyster shell: $25
First egg: Priceless
That's right, we found the first egg this morning! Its the smaller one on the left, set side by side with a store bought egg for comparison. The first few eggs the chickens lay will be 'practice' eggs, so they're expected to be a little smaller and perhaps more misshapen than an egg laid by a mature hen. Its a green egg (a little hard to tell from this photo), so Junior must be the culprit. All this on her five month birthday!
By the way, I'm declaring Bill the winner of the chicken pool. Even though John picked the closest date, December 1, he obviously cheated off of Bill who, guessing blind, picked a date only 2 days off the actual date, and a full week before the earliest expected laying date. Good job, Bill, I'm sure John is sending you your prize money right now.