Goose the Blog 2.0

"Oh, ha! Sarcasm: The last refuge of sons of bitches!"


Book and Music Recommendation

by Mark Heng at 10/30/2007 09:35:00 AM

White Bicycles: Making Music in the 1960s
by Joe Boyd

A memoir of his time as a promoter/producer of such folks as Nick Drake, The Incredible String Band, Fairport Convention, etc...Finished it yesterday. It's a quick, very entertaining and insightful read.

You might remember a song by Nick Drake called "Pink Moon" that was used in a VW ad a while back. Great stuff, very unique. I bought the box set, but if you want a quick introduction, check out Way to Blue: An introduction to Nick Drake


new photos

by John at 10/29/2007 09:43:00 PM

So sorry it's taken so long to add any new stuff. I started my new job (same company) and I've been much busier.

Anyway, here are some new pictures of the kids.


Lots more here.

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new addition

by John at 10/26/2007 09:46:00 AM

Guillermo Miguel was born on October 24 to Amy and Bill. Happy birthday, kid!



prestigious awards!

by John at 10/12/2007 10:17:00 AM

Wendy won a first place photography award for her photo of the geodesic sphere ("Spaceship Earth") at Epcot Center at the Unionville Community Fair and Farm Show.

She also won a Merit award for her photo of Jokulsarlon in Iceland, which looked something like this:

And best of all, I won first place for red raspberries I grew, in a category no one else even entered. I must have scared away all the competition. (The photographs I entered, in competition with Wendy's, didn't win anything! Philistines.)

Update: No raspberry pictures, but

Wendy's losing entry:

John's losing entries:
The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.

Mendenhall Glacier, Juneau, Alaska



late again

by John at 10/04/2007 08:52:00 PM

Once again we missed Graham's birthday - he was three months old yesterday. Happy birthday little guy!

Last weekend, we went to Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown. Pretty odd little place, but we had fun. Below is photo taken there, but click here for a lot more.


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