Goose the Blog 2.0

"Oh, ha! Sarcasm: The last refuge of sons of bitches!"


Rabbit Castle Mural

by Mark Heng at 5/22/2008 12:55:00 AM

Howdy Folks! Here's the mural I painted on Rhiannon's closet door. It took a while, but sure, ye know yerself, time turns to mush when the baba turns up!

Painted with acrylics. More details/closeups on my blog.


budget hero

by John at 5/20/2008 08:09:00 PM

I saw this fun game on Boing Boing and gave it a try. It's called Budget Hero and it's from PRI's Marketplace.

The goal is simple. Design a budget that accomplishes your goals (you pick up to three) by cutting or expanding federal spending in a number of areas. Here's a hint: It's surprisingly easy to afford everything you want if you repeal Bush's tax cuts and cap and limit green house gases. Raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't hurt either.

Anyway, give it a shot. It's not easy to share my full results, but if you are curious you can read this. In short, though, I reduced the debt from 37.7% of GDP in 2008 ($8.4 trillion) to 6.0% in 2018 ($1.3 trillion), I delayed the budget bust until past 2070, and I shrank government from 20.0% of GDP in 2008 ($4.4 trillion) to 18.7% of GDP in 2018 ($4.1 trillion). If only it was this easy in real life.

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happy late birthday to Amy

by John at 5/20/2008 02:08:00 PM

From the lame-oes over here. What's three days in the grand scheme, anyway?


Disney cruise

by John at 5/16/2008 08:00:00 PM

We're back from our Disney cruise on the Wonder, a fine and sound vessel. The photos are up.


All in all, we had a lot of fun. We already signed up for our next one, probably in May, 2010.

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Bush-McCain challenge

by John at 5/02/2008 03:22:00 PM

If five of you take this quiz, I get a free bumper sticker. So do it! I'm supposed to paste this into my blog:

I just took The Bush-McCain Challenge -- an online quiz to see if you can tell the difference between George W. Bush and John McCain. Check it out, and see if you can do any better than I did!"

There you go. Play the Bush-McCain challenge right now.
