oh yes, they call him "the streak"
by John at 5/10/2005 12:36:00 PM
If Bush actually vetoes this highway spending bill, I will eat my hat. Who wants to end a no veto streak like the one he's got over a few billion bucks? Nobody, that's who.
(Lucky for me, my "hat" is made of delicious cake with coconut frosting and covered in shredded coconut. I might just eat it anyway...)
(Lucky for me, my "hat" is made of delicious cake with coconut frosting and covered in shredded coconut. I might just eat it anyway...)
Update: OK, looking back at this post, I realize it was not as good an idea as I first thought. Frankly, it is a little embarrassing. See, I read that CNN article, thought "No way he'll veto it - he'd ruin his streak!" and then that part about eating a hat that is made of cake just came out of nowhere. This kind of thing is a good argument for "Save as Draft" instead of "Publish" as the first button I should press when I think I am done writing. You know, to give me time to reflect on exactly what kind of idiocy I am about to post.