30 second book review: special physics edition
by John at 4/20/2005 10:56:00 AM
Einstein's Dreams - Alan Lightman
Lightman, a physics professor at MIT who also teaches writing, has written what is a kind of counterpart to Calvino's Invisible Cities. The book is a catalogue of Einstein's dreams as he prepares to publish his work on special relativity. Each dream concerns the nature of time and its possible forms, leading to many fantastic worlds. Some of the dreams provide insight into the forms of special and general relativity, but many are simply strange concoctions of what might have been in an another universe. Short book, engaging and pleasurable to read. As an added bonus, this month is the one-hundredth anniversary of what may be Einstein's most accessible theory. Check it out.
Lightman, a physics professor at MIT who also teaches writing, has written what is a kind of counterpart to Calvino's Invisible Cities. The book is a catalogue of Einstein's dreams as he prepares to publish his work on special relativity. Each dream concerns the nature of time and its possible forms, leading to many fantastic worlds. Some of the dreams provide insight into the forms of special and general relativity, but many are simply strange concoctions of what might have been in an another universe. Short book, engaging and pleasurable to read. As an added bonus, this month is the one-hundredth anniversary of what may be Einstein's most accessible theory. Check it out.