Goose the Blog 2.0

"Oh, ha! Sarcasm: The last refuge of sons of bitches!"


by John at 3/21/2005 09:31:00 AM

Dear Sir or Madam:

I know it is too late to make a difference in the outcome of the legislation, but I find it reprehensible that Republican lawmakers and the President are willing to interfere in the Terri Schiavo case.

First, their actions are nigh unconstitutional, because they are disrupting the normal state of judiciary affairs. Schiavo's case has been heard time and again by Florida state judges, and they have consistently found that Terri Schiavo has the right to die as she would have chosen, and that her husband Michael Schiavo is the only person legally responsible for making that decision. At least he was, until Congress and President Bush stepped in.

What of family values? They have abrogated the most solemn charges of the Schiavo's marriage vows. What of smaller government and less interference in citizens' personal lives? They have made it a convenient lie. And what of the "culture of life?" They have taken up Terri's parents' cause to assuage their far right supporters, while simultaneously pushing for changes to tort law (the likes of which would have made Terri's care impossible), bankruptcy law (which would have prevented the Schiavo family from recovering from her massive medical bills), and reducing Medicaid (which takes care of many patients like Terri around the country). Furthermore, President Bush signed legislation while governor of Texas that forced cessation of treatment in futile cases in the instance of inability to pay (the so-called "Texas Futile Care Law") - where was his precious "culture of life" then? Life, it seems, comes second to medical industry profits in Texas, where just last week a baby was taken off life support against the wishes of his mother.

This is political grandstanding of the most obvious kind. One can only hope that the federal judge required by this new legislation will see fit to permit Michael Schiavo the right to allow Terri to die, as all other judges who have seen this case have.

My respect for the Republican legislators behind this legislation and President Bush is at an all time low. They are, one and all, hypocrites of the first order. There is a special place reserved for them in the Hell they fear so much.

John B.

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Majikthise has organized a blogswarm of protest. She has been covering the issue in detail here and here.

What can you do to prevent this from happening to you? 1) Make your wishes clearly known to all your family members; 2) write a living will; 3) see a lawyer and have healthcare power of attorney given to someone you trust.
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Anonymous Anonymous said at 12:02 PM

I just wanted to let you and your readers know about the latest updates to our Terri Schiavo case coverage at the Democracy Cell Project (the parent source for the Schiavo Blogswarm story on majikthise's blog that you referenced in your piece, and that has since been picked up on by a number of other progressive blogs as well -- thanks!)

Our frequent blogger Tutterfly, who wrote the original post that first inspired the Schiavo blogswarm story on our site, has just posted a follow-up essay on the case that is very well worth the read. Please drop by the Democracy Cell Project blog and tell us what you think of her remarks:    

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