you say foe-tay-toe, and I say foe-tah-toe
by John at 2/20/2008 08:38:00 PMMore pictures of the kids. This one is kind of interesting: I left Elias alone in the tub (bad Daddy!). He'd been curious about the bar of soap for a few nights, and was always trying to play with it. I didn't want him to, because I was afraid he'd get some in his eyes and become even more scared of getting his face wet than he already is. So as I left the bathroom, I told him not to touch it.
When I got back, the bath water was cloudy white and there was a semicircular notch taken out of one side of the soap bar, which was sitting in the soap dish. I looked at it, and then looked at him and asked, "Did the soap taste good?"
He answered quietly, "No."
Then I wondered what happened to the missing piece of soap. "Elias, did you eat the soap?"
"Then where is the rest of it?" I asked.
"I don't know."
I fished around in the tub for a minute, and was relieved to find the missing bit, which he had sensibly spat out.
Also in this set, some photos of Graham. Wendy will probably be appalled because she didn't get a chance to edit them, but I thought he showed some amusing expressions, despite the snot bubbles and drool.