why my nearly two month old son is like the USA
by John at 8/16/2005 08:45:00 PM

In which I make fun of this great nation:
1) Attracted to movement, contrasting colors, friendly voices, and smiling faces
2) Alarmed by unexpected loud noises
3) Angers quickly when he does not get his way
4) Strikes out at convenient objects in a seemingly random and very uncoordinated manner
5) Craps in his own pants and then cries about it.
1) Attracted to movement, contrasting colors, friendly voices, and smiling faces
2) Alarmed by unexpected loud noises
3) Angers quickly when he does not get his way
4) Strikes out at convenient objects in a seemingly random and very uncoordinated manner
5) Craps in his own pants and then cries about it.