precision grip on the planet
by John at 3/12/2004 07:08:00 PM
Juju writes (found via boingboing):
A simple change in finger length results in us being massively more effective as a species. This picture represents your history. Your world is the way it is today as a result of many, many things. But this change was certainly a big one, and our world would definitely not be the same without it.
Where would we be without our stubby fingers and long thumbs? Still hiding from the hyenas on chilly savannah nights, probably.
A simple change in finger length results in us being massively more effective as a species. This picture represents your history. Your world is the way it is today as a result of many, many things. But this change was certainly a big one, and our world would definitely not be the same without it.
Where would we be without our stubby fingers and long thumbs? Still hiding from the hyenas on chilly savannah nights, probably.