watch out, Baby Greedo...
by John at 11/18/2006 08:14:00 PM

...because Baby Han Solo shoots first!
More odd Elias photos starting here.
Despite being a nerd and scifi geek for most of my life, I had never been to a scifi convention before today, when Wendy, Elias, and I went to Philcon 2006. Elias was cosplaying Han Solo - Wendy made the spats, Corellian Bloodstripes, and the black BDU vest. I made the gun, belt, and holster (but Wendy sewed the parts together). He got a few pretty good comments - the geekiest one was "Look, a tiny human in a Han Solo costume." The "con" (as they say) was okay. We are going back tomorrow for a little bit more.
At Charles Stross' talk, John Scalzi sat right behind me. Only at first, I wasn't sure it was John Scalzi, because the only picture I have seen of him is on a book jacket. Anyway, I wanted to tell him that I had started reading his new book, The Ghost Brigades, last night and I had finished more than half of it in one sitting because it was so good. Only, first I had to make sure it was John Scalzi because I didn't want to look like an idiot if it wasn't. So, I tried to look for his name badge while pretending to scan the door for "someone I was expecting". Unfortunately, he was wearing his badge on his lower jacket pocket and I couldn't see it well enough to read his name. After a few more tries (I was cool like a spy, though. I was always looking at the door and never made eye contact with him) I was able to read his name and it was Scalzi. However, by this point Stross had started to talk and I didn't want to interrupt, so I just listened to the talk and planned for later. After the talk, I got up and turned around, but Scalzi got up and stepped away at the same time to talk to a group of his friends. So I dropped the whole thing and went to find Wendy and Baby Han.
More odd Elias photos starting here.
Despite being a nerd and scifi geek for most of my life, I had never been to a scifi convention before today, when Wendy, Elias, and I went to Philcon 2006. Elias was cosplaying Han Solo - Wendy made the spats, Corellian Bloodstripes, and the black BDU vest. I made the gun, belt, and holster (but Wendy sewed the parts together). He got a few pretty good comments - the geekiest one was "Look, a tiny human in a Han Solo costume." The "con" (as they say) was okay. We are going back tomorrow for a little bit more.
At Charles Stross' talk, John Scalzi sat right behind me. Only at first, I wasn't sure it was John Scalzi, because the only picture I have seen of him is on a book jacket. Anyway, I wanted to tell him that I had started reading his new book, The Ghost Brigades, last night and I had finished more than half of it in one sitting because it was so good. Only, first I had to make sure it was John Scalzi because I didn't want to look like an idiot if it wasn't. So, I tried to look for his name badge while pretending to scan the door for "someone I was expecting". Unfortunately, he was wearing his badge on his lower jacket pocket and I couldn't see it well enough to read his name. After a few more tries (I was cool like a spy, though. I was always looking at the door and never made eye contact with him) I was able to read his name and it was Scalzi. However, by this point Stross had started to talk and I didn't want to interrupt, so I just listened to the talk and planned for later. After the talk, I got up and turned around, but Scalzi got up and stepped away at the same time to talk to a group of his friends. So I dropped the whole thing and went to find Wendy and Baby Han.