on the value of civil "intercourse"
by John at 11/08/2006 06:40:00 AM-----
"I feel good, and I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... kind of invincible... Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? "
The Democrats won the House back, and may still pick up a few more seats before it's all over. We may yet win the Senate (Tester and Webb are up, but these are going to be contested). All this despite huge Republican structural advantages (money, gerrymandering, get out the vote efforts, corporate media sympathy, vote suppression, electronic voting machines that automatically vote straight ticket Republican, etc).
Locally, Senator Rick Santorum got the boot. I guess his god decided to go with another devout Roman Catholic - maybe it was the bigotry, lying, and torture advocacy? For Congress, Admiral Joe Sestak put the beat down on "Crazy" Curt Weldon in what sounds like a WWE pay-per-view event. Incumbent governor Rendell handily defeated football hero Lynn Swann (who still gets to keep his Superbowl rings, so he has that at least). Two other suburban Philadelphia Congressional races are up for grabs (right now, it looks like one pickup for the Democrats).
Nationally, I liked the rejection of Arizona's marriage amendment and overturning the abortion ban in South Dakota. It seems the threat of being shot in the face by VP Dick Cheney wasn't enough to keep the sensible folks away from the polls there.
Bring on the Congressional subpoenas! This time, you may be required to testify under oath.
Update: For all you Mountains and Pacifics just getting out of bed - what happened where you live?