you make me wanna cry
by John at 10/18/2005 01:25:00 PM

[Getting out my magic mirror] I see Amy and Bill and Wendy and all you boys and girls out there!
Would you like to play a game?
(There! Three obscure pop references from three different media)
The game: What movies always make you cry? I had a hard time remembering any, even though I know there are many. In fact, as I've gotten older, I find I'm more and more likely to cry, whether the film is sappy or painful.
Here are I few I could think of:
Iron Giant - "Superman..."
E.T.: - ET dies and Drew Barrymore starts crying
Return of The King - The Rohirrim arrive for the battle of Gondor
P.S. Wendy, be sure to mention Independence Day, or I will...
P.P.S. Another game: How many of the 50 films in The Science Fiction Film Canon (scroll down a bit) have you seen? I've seen 40 of them.
Would you like to play a game?
(There! Three obscure pop references from three different media)
The game: What movies always make you cry? I had a hard time remembering any, even though I know there are many. In fact, as I've gotten older, I find I'm more and more likely to cry, whether the film is sappy or painful.
Here are I few I could think of:
Iron Giant - "Superman..."
E.T.: - ET dies and Drew Barrymore starts crying
Return of The King - The Rohirrim arrive for the battle of Gondor
P.S. Wendy, be sure to mention Independence Day, or I will...
P.P.S. Another game: How many of the 50 films in The Science Fiction Film Canon (scroll down a bit) have you seen? I've seen 40 of them.