the return of: Friday Funtime Follies!
by John at 7/29/2005 12:06:00 PM
Long time readers of GtB probably remember our hilarious and well-received series, "Friday Funtime Follies!" which was suspended pending review by the editorial board, oh, it seems like years ago. Lately, however, we have been getting thousands of emails from literally all over the world demanding the return of "Friday Funtime Follies!" and frankly, not even our stodgy editorial board can resist such a powerful groundswell of grassroots support.
So, without further ado, we bring you (hold your applause please), the Friday Funtime Follies for July 29, 2005:
Although I Like a Good George W. Bush Joke as Much as the Next Guy, Some of Them Seem Gratuitous and Mean-Spirited
Haha! Take that, partisan Republicans!
So, without further ado, we bring you (hold your applause please), the Friday Funtime Follies for July 29, 2005:
Although I Like a Good George W. Bush Joke as Much as the Next Guy, Some of Them Seem Gratuitous and Mean-Spirited
Haha! Take that, partisan Republicans!