no longer a "war" president
by John at 7/26/2005 12:30:00 PM

The Bush administration is dropping the "global war on terror" parlance for the more accurate phrase, "global struggle against violent extremism," according to the New York Times. Of course, liberals were at this place a long time ago - but it is nice to see conservatives catching up with reality.
Anyway, it is hard for me to believe this is anything more than a marketing effort by the Bush administration. With a looming decrease in troop numbers in Iraq (necessitated not by politics or American willpower, but by the fact that our Army is nearing the breaking point and simply cannot continue to stay the course in Iraq and Afganistan) and the objective loss of the "war on terror" to the terrorists (as measured by the obvious increase in the number of terror attacks and the lethality of the attacks), it is necessary that the Bush administration reframe what exactly it is we are fighting against and the tools we will use to fight. Being inerrant, they must do this in order to avoid the spectre of failure that has been haunting them for the last 18 months.
Anyway, it is hard for me to believe this is anything more than a marketing effort by the Bush administration. With a looming decrease in troop numbers in Iraq (necessitated not by politics or American willpower, but by the fact that our Army is nearing the breaking point and simply cannot continue to stay the course in Iraq and Afganistan) and the objective loss of the "war on terror" to the terrorists (as measured by the obvious increase in the number of terror attacks and the lethality of the attacks), it is necessary that the Bush administration reframe what exactly it is we are fighting against and the tools we will use to fight. Being inerrant, they must do this in order to avoid the spectre of failure that has been haunting them for the last 18 months.