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"Oh, ha! Sarcasm: The last refuge of sons of bitches!"

october surprise

by John at 10/14/2006 08:14:00 PM

So far this October, we've had a bunch of "surprises," mostly damaging to Republicans.

Chris Hedges is worried that Bush might have another surprise in store for days before the election: an air attack on Iran.*

I hope that the Bush Adminsitration is not desperate and immoral enough to actually do this. I hope that the Amercian people aren't stupid enough to fall for it. But I don't know - they just might be.


* For the last few weekends, Wendy, Elias, and I have been going to a peace "vigil" outside the Chester County courthouse midday Saturdays. We hold up our signs1 along with half-a-dozen other peace protestors2 and an old war-protestor3 plays guitar and sings modern protest songs ("America has become/ comfortably numb") while cars drive by or get stopped at the light. Some people honk, wave, or flash the peace symbol, some just read the signs, and most just don't make eye contact. It's fun!

Today, there was a crazy lady out with us. She was wearing sunglasses and had her face covered with a black scarf to hide her identity. She had a large sign with inch high letters explaining, basically, just what Hedges wrote above, and she was yelling her theory at the people in the cars. The regular protestors were kind of peeved at her because she was making the rest of us look bad (you know, because she was acting crazy). Eventually our vigil breaks up, and we all go home. Except W, E, and I went to the farmers' market a couple of blocks away to get some vegetables and authentic Amish whoopie pies. On our way back (almost an hour later) the crazy lady was still out on the corner by the courthouse, yelling at cars. I sort of hope she comes back next week, and I sort of hope she doesn't.

1. Mine says "U.S. OUT OF IRAQ" and Wendy's says "CHOOSE PEACE." Elias doesn't have a sign, but next week I'm going to make one for him to hang on his stroller. Any suggestions?

2. Chester County Peace Movement

3. Vietnam War. I was going to call him a hippie, but I don't know if he was one. He seems cool.
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