Jon Stewart on Crossfire
by Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma at 10/18/2004 04:47:00 PM
Watch this if you are completely tired of political talking heads (aka, Tucker Calrson). It's a bit long (13 minutes), but timely and interesting (and funny too).
I read the transcript a couple of days ago, but watching it was a whole different thing. Carlson seems like a jerk - who says "buttboy" in a "debate"? The audience seemed to get the point even if Carlson didn't.
I read that iFilm has had over 400,000 downloads of the clip, which is larger than Crossfire's estimated audience size.
I hardly ever watch cable news (a little CNN Headline once in a while. Actually, I hardly watch TV news, except for the local stuff). Maybe I'm not missing much.
Amy, Bill, Guillermo and Alma said at 12:27 PM
When I saw the Stewart i-view, I was impressed by the point that he was TRYING to make. Bill and I were talking about about it after the last debate actually, so I thought this was poignant--we were wondering why the media thinks that its viewers can't watch a debate without a play by play including personal opinions about how the candidates did afterwards....I mean, their debating skills are supposedly at the 6-8th grade we really need 1-2 hours of explanation on what they said? Geesh.
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